
Quickie Update

These are not particularly great photos, but I feel the need to post an update.

JFC Jan 2011

JFC Jan 2011

JFC Jan 2011

JFC Jan 2011

This house is the house I think of when I think of home now. For a long time it was our house in St. Louis, but that has changed. I wonder if I'm the only one in our family that feels that way. We only lived in this house in Houston for 5 years but those were the 5 most important years of my life. In that this is where I spent those teenage years figuring out who I was. It was a great house, and that pool was not only the best pool I have ever swam in (thanks to Mo's Pool Cleaning Service), but having it kept me and my friends at home a lot of times when I probably would have been out doing something stupid.

JFC Jan 2011


Emma Jo said...

Yeah, it was a good house.
I would like to be on your cruise today...anywhere warmer.

Amy Lynn said...

I loved that house as well. Especially the pool...and the hot tub...and the free food...and the fabulous company! Were you recently there?

The Ballee Girls said...

I never realized you were only in Houston just 5 years! Glad we shared that city for a small time and then DC as well (though regret not getting together more often that once - that's really inexcuseable!) Best from Marseille - Z.

mo said...

Seeing that house brings back such a flood of memories. You are right, that was a great house and great time in our lives. I'm glad to have a really nice picture of it--such detail!

Natalie and Clark Rumsey said...

I ran by that house regularly when we lived in Houston about a year ago. It was always nostalgic. Not sure the current owners know how special it is. Everyone grew up there ;).