It is getting chilly here in DC, but the trees are amazingly bright and still hanging on for dear life.
A friend I haven't seen in a few years contacted us for some family pictures and we met them down in Georgetown for a quick shoot. She is a beautiful and fun person and she married someone equally impressive... I mean, he did grad work at Oxford! How cool is that?? I was just terribly impressed by them both.

Then they introduced us to their son.
Folks, I have met a LOT of babies in my life. I have taken pictures of quite a number as well and know what it can take to get a smile. This child is the MOST HAPPY child I have ever met... EVER. All you do is make eye contact and he will belly laugh unlike anything I've ever seen. It was infectious!
He seriously didn't stop until they put him in a stroller, upon which, he immediately fell asleep. Sign me up for one like that!!
Thanks again, you guys. I hope we see you again soon!
Ummm... that last pic should win an award I tell ya.. an AWARD.
It actually made me well-up.. and I don't even KNOW the people.
Simply beautiful.
I want to babysit for them.
I gotta give you this one--he is one cute little kid! What a happy good natured little bloke! Great pics, too!
I'm seriously living for these pictures! Everyone looks great, and the photos are perfect! I love how smiley Logan is! Adorable!
Hey Spenser and Sho,
We have missed you. We lost your email address. So, I googled your photography company...I hope I can get in touch with you this way. James and I want to send you guys a Christmas card. If you'd like one email me with your address. mikaylamikayla at yahoo dot com. Thanks! Hope everything is going well for you guys!
Mikayla and James Clarkson
What an ADORABLE baby! I want some outdoor family shots of us! And I'll take the lovely setting as well.
Miss you guys.
Lucky Emily.
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