I got to see my brother for a couple days a little while ago. Our age difference made it so that just as I was getting interesting, he left for college. But he did teach me how to play baseball, got me into legos, reading zoobooks, and I spent most of my time doing things I had seen him do; like soccer, football and running track. As we were leaving for the airport he mentioned, "Oh, I should have asked you to take a picture for me!" So we did a two minute portrait. See any resemblance?

Also, I just like this one, what with the stripy tights and the big chess pieces and all. She held up amazing well against her nuclear engineer of a father. She's a smarty pants, she is.
Yeah, it was fun to see Chip but odd too because I am so used to hanging out with you (brother #2) that being around someone else that looks like us and is so very familiar but wasn't you. I like my family.
Oh you are so very good at taking pictures. They are both really excellent. That captures Chip perfectly. I love my kids.
What great lighting. He's an Oscarson alright. Just as handsome as the rest of them!
Where did you find those wonderful chess pieces? You know my mind is racing...
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