I don't mind the time I spend processing photos. It is enjoyable for me. It is just very time consuming. Keep that in mind next time you are wondering why photographers charge what they do. I'll share a couple of the recent edits with you. We shoot a total of eleven families while in Japan, but the two sister who brought their families all in summer kimonos, called 'Yukata', really made for some fun shooting for us. Aren't they beautiful? And I mean the people AND the Yukatas...
Besides the portrait shoots we did, we took thousands of pictures of the places and events we saw. We have known about this trip since last Christmas and from the moment we knew we would be coming for sure I began plans for a book I would like to put together. The theme of the book is the area where people and nauture overlap in Japan. I studied and thought and planned and started shooting before the plane even landed at Narita Airport in Tokyo. I am very excited about this photo book. Ideally it would be something that I would try to sell. I won't really get started on organizing and putting it together until all of the portrait work is finished however.
Anyway, it being Saturday, I decided to take a look at some of the nature shots I took in Sho's home town of Shizuoka. Here is a panorama example. I shot this a mile or so from Sho's house. Sho's Mom drove us around two days to help me collect the shoots I had planned. This was from the first attempt where we ended up getting totally rained out. Still, its kind of a pretty shot, no? Can you imagine growing up surrounded by this? It was one of the most beautiful places I have had the privilege of visiting.
Amazing. Beautiful people, beautiful kimonos, beautiful place...more! more!
I have been waiting and waiting to catch a glimpse of your trip photos and this brief tease just whets the appetite for more! Absolutely beautiful! No wonder Sho is so infused with beauty! We cannot wait to see the rest.
I never tire of looking at your photos. More, please! You should show us what a photo looks like "before" and "after" you process it. I'm curious...
I'm curious about a before and after shot too. They are all beautiful. I would love to see this book or at least hear more about it for now. Sounds interesting. Good chatting today, even amid my errands and cranky kids!
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